News — Fun

Happy Trails

Posted by admin on

Does this saddle have a seat belt? This is the first question to cross my mind once I’ve hoisted myself astride a strawberry roan named Mae at Aspen Canyon Ranch in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Suddenly I’m perched 6 feet off the ground with 1,200 pounds of horsepower between my legs, and all I’ve got to hang onto is a saddlehorn and a flimsy pair of reins. I can count on one white-knuckled hand the number of times I’ve ridden a horse, but here I am at a modern-day dude ranch learning how to get in touch with my inner...

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Happy Trails

Posted by admin on

Does this saddle have a seat belt? This is the first question to cross my mind once I’ve hoisted myself astride a strawberry roan named Mae at Aspen Canyon Ranch in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Suddenly I’m perched 6 feet off the ground with 1,200 pounds of horsepower between my legs, and all I’ve got to hang onto is a saddlehorn and a flimsy pair of reins. I can count on one white-knuckled hand the number of times I’ve ridden a horse, but here I am at a modern-day dude ranch learning how to get in touch with my inner...

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