The dryer is on the fritz again. We have had it repaired three times this year. Total out of pocket about, $280.00. It has a new heating element, all new fuses. I know the belt works. The repairman keeps saying it is old. Yes I know that! But we are selling this house in the spring and I did not plan on storing the washer and dryer, but just giving them away and getting new when we decide where we are going to land. Chances are we will be moving between our kids or with Hubs folks for a while and I do not want to pay to store a new dryer.
So I do have a few choices. 1. I can just hang our clothes to dry and go with out until we move. 2. I can take a load over to my sisters a couple of times a week. Really if I don't do sheets and bedding we only have a couple of loads a week. 3. I can dry things at the local laundry mat that is a few blocks away until we sell. 4. I can buy a new dryer.
Have not decided what to do yet. I guess I will give it a week and see just how aggravating it is for me. Clothing is heavier now that it is cold. Hubs wears a t-shirt and a heavy flannel shirt everyday. Also very heavy pants. Still we could hang things. I don't know. First world problem as my daughter would say.
I have an out of town bride coming today. Also a handy man is coming to look at our list for the house. I am excited about that. Getting some things done around here will be good and give me something to focus on.
Well the handy man just left and he thinks we should do a lot less work than I thought as this is a 70 years old house and will have to be sold as a 70 year old house. So that is good. Maybe?
Did more sewing yesterday than I did all week but still did not put in a full day. Not because there was not work, but because I did not want to.
The ironing board has been moved into the family room so I can go on an ironing spree then I can get clothes changed around in the closets. Got to get something off the list dang nabit!
Found out there will be no choir practice tomorrow so I am off the hook on making scones. They can wait until next week.
I feel like this is my last day of vacation and next week I am going to get my butt in gear and get some things done. I have major sewing I want to do for Christmas and major cleaning and downsizing that needs to be done. The shop is slower now and I have no excuses. But I am sure if I work at it I can come up with some doozy excuses.
Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.