When we were planning our itinerary, one of the things that revved my Girl Scout troop up the MOST was my comment that, "Hey, Guys, it looks like our AirBnb is really close to a Waffle House!"
Our hometown, you may have gathered, does NOT have a Waffle House.
First, though, let's back up a minute: the previous night, as the kids were running around the two storeys of our AirBnb and claiming bedrooms, investigating the TVs, playing with the light-up toilet bowl--you know, typical AirBnb check-in fun!--all the adults received a text from Carnival saying that our embarkation onto the ship would be delayed by several hours. This was actually great news, as it meant a more relaxed morning in which we could do a little more sightseeing in either Montgomery or Mobile, and it's why, when kids started waking up on this morning, we chose not to hustle. I discovered that our AirBnb's TV had Disney+ and put on Encanto. Adults made coffee, kids tried to obtain said coffee but were turned away, leftover pizza was nibbled at, etc. It was a delightfully leisurely morning...
...until Carnival sent us all ANOTHER text saying that good news! The Ecstasy was actually making great time getting into Mobile, not delayed at all, and that means that you can forget about yesterday's announcement of your embarkation being delayed, because now it's on time again! You can start to board in just a couple of hours, if you want!
You guys. I mean.
Let's just start with the fact that at that moment, we were actually 2.5 hours from Mobile, with kids who were not in "GO GO GO!" mode, as they'd have been if we knew we had to hustle, but were instead in their pajamas bopping along to "We Don't Talk about Bruno."
Fortunately (this was to turn out NOT to be fortunate at all...), Carnival also scrubbed our half-hour check-in window, and was now giving everyone on the ship permission to show up at anytime during the full five-hour check-in process, so we compromised: we watched the last fifteen minutes of Encanto, THEN switched to "GO GO GO" mode. Everyone packed and completed the AirBnb's check-out chores, we loaded our luggage into the cars, then walked over to the Waffle House where the waitress, taking our orders at the adult table last, told us with amusement that every kid in our party had ordered a waffle.
When In Waffle House!
I'm glad that I forcibly marched everyone to the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church the previous evening, because we wouldn't have had time to visit it this morning. We did swing our carpool by the Equal Justice Initiative building on the way out of town, just so we could say that we'd seen it.
On the subject of the EJI, I highly recommend these two books: