Ladies and gentleman, introducing Otto! Sometimes I just look at Otto and cant believe that we get to be a family of three. Life before him just seems so fuzzy to me and it makes me laugh at how fast a child can integrate themselves into your life. Otto is moving into a new classroom at his daycare school and is officially out of the toddler classes. It is so excited and breaks my heart all at once. He is talking in full sentences and is starting to potty train. He has zero fear of the toilet but we are having trouble getting him to understand that we dont get to just hang out on the toilet in order to wash our hands, the point is to actually go.
outfit on otto
jacket Janie and Jack
khakis Janie and Jack
shirt Janie and Jack
shoes H & M
outfit on abby
Shirt Nordstrom L
Skirt Nordsrom L
Belt Nordstrom M/L
Boots Anthropologie 9.5
Yesterday as we were working away our phones buzzed with a pinkeye warning from daycare and instead of panicking like I used to I assumed the position of stripping him down at the door, washing his hands and getting him straight into the bath tub. This was after we re homed some chickens from our friends house. Joe said no more chickens but they were getting eaten by wild animals at her house so Otto and I moved them into our coop before he got home. I drove straight down to the barn and put on the boots that I keep for occasions such as this and grabbed the chicken cages. Of course Otto wasnt going to be left in the car so we trudged in the dark snow together pulling a rubbermaid tote of chickens out to the coop me still dressed in my work clothes.
It was hilarious how much of a little boy he was. Huffing and puffing helping his mama with these chickens. I carefully lifted him over the fence and then the birds before we released them into the coop. I was using my phone flashlight to help us see into the dim barn and he turned back and said woah great flashlight mama. After we got the birds into their new home we watched them get situated before heading back to the car. The sheep were curious and blocking our entrance out. The little boy who is terrified of the collie dogs yelled Shoo get out of here sheep! and they listened and he went on his merry way.
I let him right in the back of the car just up the hill from the barn to our house and he thought he was so cool holding on to the headrest of the back seat. When I got him out of the car I told him the new chickens were a secret but as soon as joe walked through the door otto ran up and yelled We got chickens in the coop! lessoned learned Otto now will tattle on everything.
He is loving being able to help more on the farm. He enjoys walking out to the garden of dead sticks right now and throwing rocks. He also has attempted to catch some sheep a time or two but were just never quite fast enough. I love watching him explore and learn on the farm. Its going to make spring here such a magical time.
He is learning and growing so fast and his speech is incredible. He can hold a full conversation and loves to tell me about his day at school He pretends to read and sings non stop. He is also continuing to eat orally too. His favorite foods are chicken, cookie, hot dogs and pizza which I think is pretty typical of his age. He is chewing and swallowing more which has been so awesome to watch progress.
I think my favorite thing that he does lately though is talk in a british accent like peppa pig. He calls Joe and I daddy pig and mama pig. He also says LADIES AND GENTLEMAN INTRODUCING OTTO! when he walks into the room. When trying to put him to bed which is a HUGE challenge is when he tries to bargain with us. Otto, its time for bed hell respond with How about we watch Mickey? nope time for bed How about laundry? He will try anything and everything to get out of bed time. He loves to have his back, arms and legs scratched as he falls asleep. There are just so many funny quirks with him that there is never a night without laughter.
Being a parent is an adventure and one Im learning more and more about each day but it sure is good to be in a good spot right now.