We will be meeting our girl so soon and while I am looking forward to it, I know we still have so much left to do. I like having a lot of things done in advance and not knowing how my energy or body will be feeling this next trimester, I really wanted to take advantage of the second one while I was feeling good to get things off our to-do list. I was definitely happy to see nausea subside and my energy back up in the second trimester — though I still have to take breaks in the day to rest. Overall, it was good to me and I am so grateful to God for that!
I asked you on IG Stories what questions you had for me as I wrapped up my trimester and I’m answering them for you today…
What were your symptoms or body changes this trimester?
My symptoms weren’t daily or too, too intense (thank you Jesus), but there were a mix of them! Here it goes: occasional headaches, round ligament pain, dry mouth, breakouts (on my back and chin), back pain, carpal tunnel/tingling in arms, peeing often, trouble sleeping, sore hips from sleeping on my sides, bloating/gas (I have never burped so much in my life, haha), nasal congestion (invest in a good humifider for your room) and leg cramps. I also felt dizzy a few times which is normal, but I would really stay on top of my hydration, iron, resting and eating small meals often. I always do a self check in and evaluate what I may be needing: more protein? more water? more rest? It’s important to listen to your body while you’re pregnant! I found sleep, showers, hydration, proper nutrition and stretching helped my symptoms the most. Basically each week on my pregnancy app there would be a list of potential symptoms and I would say mine were pretty textbook! I was able to manage them, but I had to really listen to my body and sometimes that meant not working, cleaning or tackling my to-do list and instead, resting. Pushing it was not the answer! It would make symptoms worse.
Another change has been…growing breasts! Wow, LOL. I have always been part of the itty bitty committee in the chest area, so I am just completely shocked by these new ladies I’ve got, haha! I love this new bra I got from SKIMS called the “Fits Everybody” bra.
I am grateful for what my body is doing and how hard it is working to create this life inside me, so I have even more of an appreciation for my body now than ever!
Best part of the second trimester?
Feeling those kicks for the first time and anytime they happen! It never stops feeling magical…even if they wake me up at night 🙂 It comforts me so much when she lets me know she’s doing good in there.
What cravings/foods did you have and love?
In my first trimester I did not want to see any vegetables, so I’m glad that I got my appetite back for those in second try! I have been loving eggs again also, so omelettes were a go-to.
Breakfast sandwiches, burgers and pizza were some of my favourite indulgent meals.
Bubble tea has been an obsession (though I only get it once a week), it’s such a nice treat. I just make sure I order pregnancy safe options! I also get it without sugar or I substitute honey instead.
A staple in my diet has been a protein-filled smoothie daily to get extra protein (this is the one I use) in my diet (so important when you’re pregnant) and I follow Kelly LeVeque’s Fab 4 smoothie recipes.
Fruit is also just my favourite while pregnant and has been since the first trimester – I have a plum, banana, tangerine and an apple daily. I mix in strawberries, blueberries, pears, grapes and pomegranates in there too! Just love my fruit!!
Cereal has been another obsession – I ordered Magic Spoon and they were delicious! I also love Cheetah Chomps and to enjoy as dessert sometimes…my ultimate…Cinnamon Toast Crunch!!
Indian food has always been my favourite but I couldn’t do it in the first trimester, so I’m glad in the second trimester I could eat it again (baby girl needs a taste of her culture as well)! My mother-in-law has done so many food drop-offs I am so thankful for!!
I love how my food answer was the longest… 🙂
What are your favourite maternity leggings and where do you like shopping for maternity clothes?
As far as maternity clothes go, I wish I could say I discovered many cute options, but sadly, no! Instead, I sized up in shops I already loved like H&M, Aerie (especially for loungewear coziness) and Lululemon (love the align leggings – I went up to a size 8, I’m usually a 4). I started a hashtag on Instagram called #dressthejollybump you can look up for inspo as well! I can’t wait for the weather to warm up this spring to wear dresses which I think would be easier with the bump, because layering and wearing sweaters and pants in the winter for pregnancy is a bit tough. I don’t even care to own a pair of jeans or put them on right now, haha! I really just wear a lot of sweatpants (we’re home all the time anyways right)? If I get dressed up, the most I’ll put on are maternity leggings with a cute top, I love these ones because you can roll them over your belly or fold them down to wear under your belly (I wear a medium currently in these).
How did you stay active during the second trimester?
Walking! Even when it was cold, I would bundle up and get outside. We also went into another lockdown during my whole second trimester, so this helped my mental health as well, getting out in nature. I also did a few videos a week to help stretch, relieve hip, tailbone and round ligament pain.
Have you picked out her name yet?
Yes! We solidified her name a few months ago and love it so much. We had her first name for years (even before we got pregnant) — we always knew what it would be but we just came across the middle name. We call her it all the time at home, I have to be careful to not let it slip as we want to have some element of surprise for friends and family when she is born 🙂
What have you bought for baby girl so far?
Once I knew we were having a girl and after the anatomy scan (18 weeks), I really let myself indulge and start buying things for her. I started with H&M Baby, some local boutiques (I love Petit Nordique), Kyte Baby, Snuggle Me Organic lounger/nursing pillow, a moses basket and a few more books.
We have begun working on her nursery (I shared our mood board here) and painted her accent wall last week (I’ll be sharing a tutorial on my IG soon). My sister is kindly letting us borrow her beautiful Restoration Hardware crib that she used for her boys and I ordered this reading nook to hang over her crib. We’re also getting a wooden sign made of a play on her name to go above her crib inside the accent arch wall. I can’t wait for it all to come together! We are working with a fun brand on the rocking chair I’ll be sharing soon as well.
We have also chosen the stroller (so many of you suggested it on my IG Stories), carseat, breast pump, bassinet and more which I will be sharing what we went with on those soon. I’ll do a whole post on what I’ve had on my registry separately 🙂
Do you have a favourite belly butter you are using?
Yes! I discovered this belly butter and exfoliation scrub this trimester and wow, it’s amazing. It’s natural, super hydrating and smells absolutely delicious. My skin got super dry, especially with winter and all, so I have been making sure to lather up to avoid stretch marks and itching.
Any other essentials you discovered in second trimester?
This maternity belt and compression socks definitely were and will continue to be my go to! With the added weight of the belly, it can put a strain on your nerves, muscles and legs. I wanted to also ensure that I was getting good circulation and minimizing swelling. I went to my physio to get measured for thigh high pregnancy socks I highly recommend (she also said to wear them after birth to help the swelling then too). If i’m up on my feet doing dishes or cleaning the house, I make sure to wear the belly band and my compression socks. If my feet are up and I’m resting, I don’t need to wear them.
This pregnancy pillow has been great for sleeping on my sides, since you can’t sleep on your back once you enter the second trimester. My cousin who was also pregnant at the time and I call it Ursula, haha!
Magnesium supplements were also something I started in this trimester to help with my leg cramps, nervous system, stress, anxiety and sleep! I love magnesium!! I take two of these and checked with my doctor that it was all safe with my levels (always check with your doctor before trying something new, even natural supplements).
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In case you missed it: FIRST TRIMESTER Q&A RECAP
Thank you for following along my loves! So excited to continue this journey with you all and always appreciate your shared excitement for us. xoxo
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