Level up your fitness and nutrition with Jamie Eason Middleton and Dr. Chelsea Axe — and go from good to great!
This winter, Oxygen and our sister publication Clean Eating are teaming up for the very first time to bring you one of the best get-fit programs to date! After a melding of the minds, we divined that the perfect duo to create this comprehensive plan would be two of the biggest names in the business — longtime Oxygen contributor and trainer Jamie Eason Middleton and renowned nutritionist Dr. Chelsea Axe.
Here is a little about each woman — her background, her goals and her beliefs — as well as some fun facts they dared to share. Join these incredible women on your fitness journey and make this your year to shine!
Jamie Eason MiddletonJamie Eason Middleton's Background
Two-time cancer survivor. Fitness trainer. Mom. Professional cheerleader/dancer/figure athlete. Writer. Model. Motivator. Influencer.
Jamie Eason Middleton can be classified under all these headings, and she can now add 12-time Oxygen cover model to that impressive list. “I feel so blessed to have this [cover] opportunity now, at age 43, and hope it encourages other women and moms to keep after it, especially those who got a late start with kids,” she says. “Our bodies most definitely change, but we can still be strong and should be proud of what our bodies can do.”
Middleton is two kids deep into family life herself and does her best to maintain a healthy routine — but admits that family life can be chaotic. “I feel like I went from having all the time in the world to prep my meals and work out to barely being able to squeeze in just one or the other,” she says. “I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that my workouts won’t always look like they used to. Sometimes it might be playtime with the kids or a bike ride around the block, dance parties, a swim in our pool, or a little obstacle course I do with the kids with exercises like jumping jacks, squats, push-ups and the like.”
Her adaptability has made Middleton popular with grown-ups, too, and a quick check-in with her Instagram page shows her doing quick and effective workouts, giving helpful exercise tutorials and demonstrating creative ways to get your fit on, such as using her kitchen table to do pull-ups.
Before She Was Fit
Though now a role model for women around the globe, Middleton wasn’t always in shape. In fact, it took a health scare to catapult her into fitness. “In 2005, I found a lump in my breast that ended up being early stage breast cancer,” Middleton says. “The doctor wanted to put me on Tamoxifen and some other drugs, but in lieu of that, I sought help from a nutritionist, Keith Klein. He served as the catalyst for my entire career, taught me about what to eat and what to avoid, but most of all, he taught me to step out and try hard things.”
With his encouragement, Middleton competed in (and won) a figure show, which led to a modeling gig, which then sparked a career in fitness. “The desire to get healthy created a love of health and fitness, so I left my career as a technical sales trainer for a local homebuilder to pursue personal training and nutrition certifications,” she says. “For years, my message has remained the same — to encourage people to be proactive about their health and live their best lives now.”
Level Up
Middleton has maintained this message for decades and continues to do so through social media. “The fitness industry has changed for sure, and the positive part that I see is how easily accessible health and fitness content is to everyone, and with social media, there is no lack of information or inspiration,” she says. “But by the same token, social media has traded fitness credibility such as certifications and credentials for your number of ‘likes’ and ‘follows.’ No one has to be a credible expert to teach or sell fitness content anymore, and it’s not always easy to know who is or isn’t legitimate.”
But Middleton is more than qualified, and she can absolutely help take your fitness to the next level. “Oxygen women are like me — they’re passionate about improving their health and aren’t afraid to put in the hard work,” she says. “These women will love The 60-Day Metabolic Reset. With this plan, you’ll be able to build muscle, burn fat and push through thresholds. The food guidelines are a bit more stringent because you have to do even better than before in order to go from good to great!”
Q&A: Quick-Fire Questions with Jamie Eason Middleton
Q: What is your biggest fear?
A: Outliving my children.
Q: What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
A: I’m extremely introverted.
Q: What is your favorite (clean) joke?
A: I have two: What does a vegan zombie eat? GRAAAAAAAAINS! Or … What did the number 0 say to the number 8? Nice belt!
Q: What was the last series you binge-watched?
A: Jack Ryan.
Q: Pepsi or Coke?
A: I haven’t had either one in over a decade.
Q: Chocolate or vanilla?
A: Chocolate!
Q: Coffee or tea?
A: I love both, but they must be decaf.
Q: Dogs or cats?
A: We have two cats but want to get a dog when the boys get a little bit older.
Jamie Eason Middleton
Birth Date: April 10, 1976
Birthplace: Houston
Residence: Houston
Credentials: Master certified health coach
Height: 5’2”
Married: 7 years
Kids: August (6), Beau (3)
Social Media:
IG: @jamieeasonmiddleton FB: OfficialJamieEason Twitter: Jamie_Eason Jamie’s Lazy Enchiladas
Makes: 8 servings
Here is one of Jamie Eason Middleton’s favorite family-approved recipes that is quick and easy to make.
1 lb shredded white meat chicken, cooked 1 (24 oz) container low-fat cottage cheese 2 (8 oz) packages Frontera Red Chile Enchilada Sauce With Roasted Tomato + Garlic 10 oz bag organic broccoli slaw 8 organic wheat flour or sprouted grain tortillas ½ cup organic Mexican blend shredded cheese
Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray a 9-inch-by-13-inch baking dish with nonstick spray and set aside. To a large bowl, add chicken, cottage cheese, 1 package enchilada sauce and broccoli slaw. Mix until thoroughly combined. If using raw tortillas, heat them over low-medium heat until cooked and lightly brown. Add chicken mixture to each tortilla and roll securely, placing all complete enchiladas side by side in dish. They will be snug. Pour remaining enchilada sauce over the top and sprinkle with shredded cheese. Bake 30 to 35 minutes until lightly brown on top.
Nutrition Facts (per serving): calories 342, protein 32 g, carbs 31 g, fat 10 g
Jamie's Workout
Here is the sort of workout you can expect from fitness expert Jamie Eason Middleton in Oxygen’s new course The 60-Day Metabolic Reset — quick, effective and fun!
Set a timer for eight rounds of 30 seconds of work and 10 of seconds rest. (Timer Pro is free on iTunes and Android.) Repeat this circuit three times, resting a minute between circuits.
Seal JackSeal Jack
Stand with your legs together and your arms parallel to the floor at shoulder height, palms together. Jump your feet apart and open your arms to the sides, then quickly rebound and bring them back together to clap like a seal.
TIP: The goal of this move is to warm up your shoulders, so don’t flail. Be intentional and control the movement.
Modification: Take side-to-side steps with seal-jack arm movements.
Intensifier: Perform a squatting seal jack.
Rear-Delt Dumbbell Lateral RaiseRear-Delt Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Stand with your feet together and hold a set of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. Hinge at your hips and incline your torso forward about 45 degrees, and let your arms hang straight down from your shoulders. Hold your upper body here as you raise the weights up and out to the sides to shoulder height or slightly above, then slowly lower to the start.
TIP: Lead the upward motion with your pinkies to really put the work on your rear delts.
Modification: Bend your arms 90 degrees and lead with your elbows.
Intensifier: Raise the weight for one count and lower for two.
Two-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over RowTwo-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
Stand with your feet together and hold a set of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. Hinge at your hips and incline your torso forward about 45 degrees, and allow your arms to hang straight down toward the floor. Hold your upper body here as you drive your elbows up and back, pinching your shoulder blades together and keeping your arms in tight to your sides. Pause briefly and then slowly lower to the start.
TIP: As you lower the weights and extend your arms, reach forward slightly to achieve a greater range of motion in your lats.
Modification: Place your forehead on a cushioned chair for support, and do half the number of reps.
Intensifier: Raise the weight for a count of two and lower for a count of one.
Alternating Dumbbell Triceps KickbackAlternating Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
Stand with your feet together and hold a set of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. Hinge at your hips and incline your torso forward about 45 degrees, then drive your elbows rearward to pull your upper arms alongside your rib cage, elbows bent. Alternately extend one arm completely as you bend the other arm to the start.
TIP: The motion comes only from your elbows, not your shoulders.
Modification: Do one arm at a time.
Intensifier: Increase your speed and try to get as many reps as you can during the time interval.
Two-Arm Dumbbell Hammer CurlTwo-Arm Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Stand with your knees soft and hold a set of dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing inward. Bend at your elbows to pull the weights up toward your shoulders, pause briefly, then lower to the start.
TIP: Keep your elbows pinned to your body with each rep. Don’t let them swing forward or backward.
Modification: Perform half reps.
Intensifier: Do this move with your back against a wall. This forces you to maintain a contraction at the bottom and prevents you from using momentum.
Two-Arm Dumbbell Overhead ExtensionTwo-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Extension
Stand with your knees soft and hold a set of dumbbells with your arms straight overhead, palms facing inward. Bend only at your elbows to lower the weights behind your head, keeping your core braced to prevent your lower back from arching. Extend your elbows to return to the start.
TIP: Don’t let your elbows flare out — keep them close to your head — and squeeze them at the top without locking out your joints.
Modification: Use a single dumbbell and hold an end in each hand.
Intensifier: Lower for two counts and extend for one count.
Narrow Push-UpNarrow Push-Up
Get into a plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your head, hips and heels aligned. Bend your elbows and keep them in close to your sides as you lower toward the floor, keeping your body rigid. Extend your elbows and press forcefully against the ground to return to the start.
TIP: The closer your hands are together, the more you’ll target your triceps. The farther apart they are, the more you’ll target your chest.
Modification: Perform the push-ups on your knees.
Intensifier: Do the reps as quickly as possible while maintaining good form.
Dr. Chelsea AxeDr. Chelsea Axe's Background
Dr. Chelsea Axe, in partnership with Jamie Eason Middleton, has designed the perfect 60-day program that will take your fitness to the next level and get you into the best shape of your life. See what Axe had to say about her role in The 60-Day Metabolic Reset, how she met the “other” Dr. Axe and her true life obsession with coffee.
Q&A: Quick-Fire Questions with Dr. Chelsea Axe
Q: How did you team up with Jamie for this project?
A: I have been a big fan of Jamie ever since I used one of her Oxygen programs. She was a huge part of my introduction into weightlifting and one of the reasons I fell in love with all things fitness and nutrition. We share similar philosophies of eating clean, so it seemed the perfect fit for a partnership, and I believe we created a great plan that will help people burn fat and see physical changes, as well as reduce inflammation, improve digestion and balance hormones.
Q: How important is nutrition in the quest for gains, losses or body composition changes?
A: The saying you can’t out-exercise a bad diet is 100 percent true. You could have the perfect training routine, but unless your hormones and body support a healthy metabolism, you won’t see results. Jamie and I worked closely to ensure that the plan complements the training program synergistically to maximize results.
Q: Can you explain that a little?
A: This is a carb-cycling (or keto-cycling) program, which I’ve personally found to be the most sustainable way of eating that still gives you amazing body composition results. You’ll adjust the amount of carbohydrates you eat on any given day to correspond to your training. For example, the high-carb meals will coincide with days when you train larger muscle groups and compound moves so you are properly fueled for both recovery and muscle growth. In contrast, lower-carb meals fall on days when you train smaller muscle groups and/or when metabolic conditioning is programmed.
Q: What is your athletic background?
A: I played competitive volleyball and basketball throughout high school and had planned on playing volleyball in college but tore my ACL. A few years ago, I started getting into competitive CrossFit and loved it. Unfortunately, I reinjured my knee and was forced to quit. Now I do weightlifting, vinyasa yoga and most recently started cycling on the Peloton. My husband and I also love to be outside — hiking and paddleboarding and playing with our dogs.
Q: Speaking of your husband — how did you meet the “other” Dr. Axe?
A: A friend showed me a YouTube video that Josh had filmed from his clinic, and rather than paying attention to the content, I started crushing hard on the cute doctor! I ended up visiting his clinic to shadow him for research, and nine months later, he proposed!
Q: Do the two of you work out together?
A: Sometimes. I have a hard time turning off the trainer in me, so I can go a little overboard correcting form. But he’s a good sport and tolerates me!
Q: Who is a better cook?
A: He’s better at cooking, and I’m better at baking.
Q: Fill this in: “Never would I ever _____________ ...”
A: Go a full week without coffee! I was a barista for five years, and I try not to be too addicted by taking a day off here and there from caffeine. But 48 hours is usually all I can manage — I love it too much!
Chelsea Layne Axe
Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Credentials: DC, CSCS, CYT
Website: draxe.com
Social Media: @drchelseaaxe (across IG, Twitter and Facebook)
Sponsor: Ancient Nutrition
Sharpen your culinary skills with Dr. Axe.Recipes
Want a (literal) taste of the recipes that can reset your metabolism? Here are three to try.
BREAKFAST: Sage Chicken Breakfast Patties
Makes: 4 servings
1 lb organic ground chicken ¼ tsp black pepper ¼ tsp sea salt 1 tsp ground sage ½ tsp onion powder ¼ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp basil 1 tbsp parsley 1 large apple, peeled and finely chopped ½ cup blackberries
Add all ingredients to a large bowl (except blueberries) and mix well with your hands. Shape into 4 patties. Heat a large skillet over medium-high and coat with cooking spray. Add patties and cook 6 to 8 minutes on each side, or until no longer pink in the center. Enjoy with blackberries on the side.
Nutrition Facts (per serving): calories 210, protein 21 g, carbs 12 g, fat 9 g, fiber 7 g, sugar 7 g
Lunch/Dinner: Cauliflower Fried Rice and Chicken
Makes: 4 servings
1 medium head cauliflower, cut into florets 4 tbsp ghee, divided ½ tsp garlic powder ½ tsp sea salt ½ tsp pepper 1 large carrot, shredded 1 medium onion, diced 4 eggs ¼ cup coconut aminos 4 oz chicken breast, cooked
Add cauliflower to a food processor and process until chopped into small, rice-size pieces. Heat a large skillet over medium and melt 2 tablespoons ghee. Add cauliflower, garlic powder, salt and pepper and cook 5 minutes, stirring often. Add carrots and onions and cook until softened. Add remaining ghee to skillet. In a small bowl, scramble eggs and then add to pan and cook, stirring often, until almost set. Add aminos and chicken and heat through.
Nutrition Facts (per serving): calories 400, protein 42 g, carbs 15 g, fat 20 g, fiber 5 g, sugar 9 g
Lunch/Dinner: Moo Shu Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Makes: 6 servings
1 tbsp sesame oil 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp coconut aminos 1 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and grated 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ tsp sea salt ½ tsp black pepper 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced 2 tbsp avocado oil ¼ cup green onions, thinly sliced ½ cup mushrooms, chopped ¼ head green cabbage, thinly sliced ¼ head red cabbage, thinly sliced 6 large butter lettuce leaves
To a medium bowl, add sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, aminos, ginger, garlic, salt, pepper and chicken. Mix thoroughly and set aside. Heat a large skillet over medium and add avocado oil, onions and mushrooms. Saute 5 minutes and then add chicken and cook until browned, about 8 minutes. Reduce heat to low and add cabbage. Cover and let simmer 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until cabbage is soft. Spoon evenly into lettuce leaves and top with desired garnishes.
Nutrition Facts (per serving): calories 178, protein 19 g, carbs 4 g, fat 9 g, fiber 1 g, sugar 2 g
“Food is both a medicine and a tool to be used to attain and maintain your ideal body composition and overall good health.”
If you’re looking to break the cycle of fad dieting, you’ve come to the right place! This 60-day total-body reset is specifically designed to rev your metabolism, burn fat and build muscle — all in the comfort of your own home! With workouts that can be modified for every fitness level and a nutrition menu that can be maintained forever, this is more than just a fitness challenge. It’s a health and fitness game changer created by two of the top professionals in the industry — Jamie Eason Middleton and Dr. Chelsea Axe — to help you adopt a lifestyle that will reap consistent results from the moment you start!
So what are you waiting for? Make 2020 the year you finally burn the stubborn fat, break through plateaus, build lean muscle and rev up your metabolism — for good! Join The 60-Day Metabolic Reset today!